Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Procrastination Complication

       Gordon Flett, a psychology professor in York University's Faculty of Heath and Canada Research Chair in Personality & Health, believes perfectionism is a key component as to why students procrastinate. The thought of failing increases their stress level which contributes to a delay in accomplishing task. Flett's tips to overcome a negative mentality are to aim for excellence over perfection, and to avoid that negative 'inner' voice. Another tip Flett offers is to simply ask for help when needed.
     What else may lead to procrastination? Time management is a key role in procrastination. Students don't take the time to plan out their schedule and map out when they have time to do home work, socialize, study, etc. Everyone is guilty of saying "I will do it later, " "I don't feel like doing it now, " so they put it on the back burner. Some students almost have to wait until they feel forced to do their work, meaning their assignment is due the next day for example. A simple solution to procrastination is do it now rather then later.

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